As a New Brunswick lawyer, subject to the Law Society of New Brunswick’s Code of Profes-sional Conduct,, I have a professional ethical obligation to hold in strict confidence all information received within a lawyer-client relationship, subject to the client’s instructions. I also appreciate the importance of individual privacy and sensitivity of personal information protected by privacy legislation designed to protect an individual’s privacy and give them control over their personal information.
If you communicate with me through this website, the web server does not store information passed through the contact form to the destination email.
There are risks associated with communicating by Internet email, including the lack of security, unreliability of delivery, and possible loss of confidentiality and privilege. Unless you request that I do not communicate by email, you accept that these risks exist and no responsibility or lia-bility will be attributed in respect of risk associated with its use.
Any draft documents provided by email will be password-protected PDF attachments to the email. Your password is provided to you at your initial appointment. Clients should delete these emails and documents once the final version has been executed. A scanned or paper copy of each document is included in your final package.
Client Information
In order to provide the best legal advice to you, I need to collect a wide range of personal infor-mation from you, unless this personal information can better be accessed from other sources. By retaining me for legal advice, I consider that you consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information as necessary to properly advise and represent you. I will make reason-able efforts to ensure that the information is accurate and complete. You can and should request that I correct any mistakes in your personal information that is in my custody or control.
All information and documents obtained from clients through information questionnaires, inter-views and meetings are maintained initially in paper client files in my office and periodically ar-chived electronically using appropriate security measures to protect against loss, theft, unauthor-ized access and disclosure. I do not share client information with anyone unless obligated by law or professional obligation.